About us

Winning together by

working in a team

We offer our customers consulting services on two fronts—from branding to lead generation (social media marketing), to website designing, search engine optimization and all forms of niche digital marketing coupled with technologies supporting global broadband and networking services.

Our latest research shows 45% of businesses are “doing digital marketing but have no defined strategy”. Our passion is helping marketers and businesses create an integrated multichannel digital marketing strategy through high-quality, actionable, and up-to-date resources – to make the most of the great opportunities from digital transformation.

Our Team


Our team is made up of experts in any given field who are thoroughly familiar not only with their specialty but with their client's needs as well—that intangible quality which separates the champions from the mere contenders.

Why choose us?


With so many marketing resources available online, how are we different from other digital marketing platforms?
Here are 6 reasons we stand out from the crowd...

Resources are actionable and ready to use
From latest trends and research reports that inform your digital transformation plans to actionable best practices your team can apply to strategies and marketing plans straight away.

Our most popular resources, which our competitors don’t offer, most business and organizations know they need a marketing strategy. But many think "marketing" is an abstract, high-priced concept that looks good on paper but never delivers any tangible results.

Expert guidance on strategic and tactical marketing in one place, for all levels of marketers

The Concord insights planning framework gives structured and integrated marketing communications

An effective marketing strategy will not only generate interest and sales leads in the short term; it also serves as a foundation to attract long-term investors and customers by cultivating your reputation as a leader in your industry.

CONCORD Consultancy is a strategy, marketing, funding and HR consulting company for entrepreneurs. We make complex and sensitive business decisions simple through our simple consultancy model that helps you do more of what you need to do and less of what you don’t.

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